Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mid Week Links

Hey Folks!

Here are a few stories to help you burn some calories as you gorge yourselves on the bounty of this Earth. If it pleases you, contact a congress person and support Auditting the Federal Reserve. Links to your reps on the right along with a handy dandy ready made letter for your empowerment and pleasure.


Randall Forsythe, The Wall Street journal via Barry Ritholtz at The Big Picture: The Galley Slaves Aren’t Feeling It
Excellent piece on the world of economics. Highly readable.

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture: Treasury DKs Goldman/Fannie/BRK Tax Credit Scam.

Barry always gets it down cold. In this piece he goes after Goldman, and particularly Warren Buffet, and calls him out as not so much the good American that we are lead to believe he is. Great read. There is so much deceit going on relative to big money protecting their own ass at the expense of the American public and the overall health of the economy that I believe it is imperative for the public to wake up and become informed lest we arise one morning to the lack of a middle class.

George Washington, Zero Hedge: Senator Drogan: Modern Day Bank Robbers
Self-explanatory: The main issue for the United States losing civil liberties, IMO.

George Washington, Zero Hedge: Instead of Fixing the Economy or Creating Jobs for Americans, Obama will Spend the Money on Iraq and Afghanistan
What are the policies of the White House aimed at fixing? Interesting perspective.

Karl Deninger, The Market Ticker: Health Care Farce Voted Up Last Night.
Interesting perspective on health care reform. I don’t agree with all of it, but recognize the logic in many of Karl’s arguments, as uncomfortable as they may be.

Karl Deninger, The Market Ticker: More Extortion by the Banks
It would do my heart good if the Too Big To Fail Banks were broken up and Glass Steagall was reinstated with Sarbannes Oxley accounting rules enforced. The big money center banks are bringing ruin to this country without conscience, IMO.

Bill Fleckensein, MSN Money Central: Obama team ignores Volcker at its peril.
There are very few things I like about the Federal Reserve, but Paul Volcker is one of them. In the 80s he took a very unpopular route toward raising interest rates in the face of runaway inflation to curb America’s runaway spending binge, and bring the economy into balance. It paid off, and largely due to his unpopular frugality the U.S. had a solid foundation from which it was able to enter a twenty year cycle of prosperity. Read on.

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