Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gold...the King

I love that most of the people I speak to who are involved in the investment world think Gold is too expensive. That tells me there is a ways to go before we have our first intermediate top of this pulse upward. Looking at the chart below, you can see that gold has repeated the same cycle four times in its almost ten year old secular bull market. A break above it's previous high, followed by an appx 15% move upward, followed by a brief 4 to 8 week consolidation period, followed by another equal pulse upward (appx 15%) before having a more significant correction, only to repeat all over again. With this pattern in mind, I'm guessing we have a few months left before gold begins it's significant consolidation phase, which would be the end of the intermediate rally, but not the end of the bull. As I've said before, secular bulls end one way...with the public becoming euphoric, and thus, irrational about the prospects of riches to be had by the asset in question. This drives the price to ridiculous levels, and convinces the masses that it will never again go down.

How many of you own gold? How many of you have dumped everything you own to buy gold? I bet no one is nodding yes at this point. My guess is that when your friends and family are all starting businesses buying jewelry, and there are multi-level marketing positions open for you to join businesses to do just that, the top will be near, and you should be selling everything you own that is gold to buy land. That is at least a oouple of these rinse repeat cycles away in my opinion.

Anyway, here is the chart.

I continue to add to positons in GLD, SLV and GDX. Do not do this because I am. Speak to a financial professional if you are considering investing in gold, and speak to them about your goals, and risk tolerance.

I reserve the right to be wrong 50% of the time. Prioritizing risk management makes that level of accuracy profitable.


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